Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

"Because I’m not even there in your priority list."

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015


So many inspiration in my life. But, i choose this one.
Ya, saya mengagumi seorang perempuan. They say it was a"girl-crush". 

She is so beautiful. She is adorable. She is smart. She is funny. She is uniqe. She is creative. She is wise. And She is honest. She do everything what she want.

So lemme tell you about her ...

Is not about a famous person. Is not about a success person. It's all about a little girl like me. Dia memang tidak lebih tua dariku. Aku lebih tua 7 hari darinya. I don't know why, i like the way she talk about everything. Dia selalu punya caranya sendiri untuk terlihat "keren". Caranya berbicara selalu membuatku penasaran. Selalu membuatku terinspirasi. Selalu membuatku antusias. Selalu membuatku ingin mendengarkannya lagi dan lagi. Dia selalu meiliki cara & ekspresi sendiri saat bercerita. Dia selalu punya quotes-nya sendiri saat ingin menyampaikan sesuatu. Bukan kalimat-kalimat yang penuh majas yang ia katakan. It just a simple words. But make me so "Booom". make me think again and again. I like her story in her blog. And i'm like her secret admirer.
Caranya berpakaian begitu sederhana, tapi itu meperlihatkan how adorable she is. Caranya berpakaian memperlihatkan she didn't want to get attention and popularity from society.
I like the way she think about Allah SWT. I like the way she think about Islam. I like the way she think about relationship. I like the way she think about love. I like the way she think about everything. For me, the way she think is different.
My inspiration comes from my friend. I'm so glad to meet her. I'm so glad to know her. Aku sangat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT karena telah mempertemukan aku dengannya. Yeah, i believe that we meet people for a reason. 
So many  lesson that i learn from her. Dia mengajarkanku untuk lebih mencintai Allah SWT. Dia mengajarkanku untuk lebih mencintai islam. Dia mengajarkanku untuk lebih menghargai hidup ini. Dia mengajarkanku untuk ikhlas. Dia mengajarkanku untuk sabar. Dia mengajarkanku untuk lebih bersikap dewasa. Dan dia mengajarkanku untuk menjadi diri sendiri.
Dia memang kekanak-kanakan sepertiku, but she is more wisely than me.
And one more ... i like her jokes... hahaha...
I wrote this for her, it cause i miss her so much. I miss our old games. Ya aku rindu sapaan cerianya...

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015


I think too much. tentu aku ingin menceritakan semuanya, but if i tell you all what i think, i won't sleep till tomorrow. Hehehe... It's too much.

so lemme tell you a short story about what i think ...

i'm not smarter than them
i'm not popular than them
i'm not prettier than them
My parent doesn't richer than theirs
My university doesn't more popular than theirs

Yes, i know i'm just a little girl. And i'm not perfect. Tapi, aku bersyukur sekali dengan apa yang ada disekitarku. Apa yang telah Allah SWT berikan kepadaku.
I think how much Allah SWT has given us pleasure in this world? How much Allah SWT loves us? How much Allah SWT cares with us? Yes, we really know that every second in our lives has been arranged by Allah SWT so perfectly. Hanya saja aku tidak akan pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi esok hari, ketika aku membuka mata dari mimpi indahku. Aku bahkan tidak tau, apakah aku masih bisa membuka mata esok hari. Apakah aku masih bisa bercanda esok hari. Apakah aku masih bisa menangis esok hari. Apakah aku masih bisa melihat senyuman manis dari orang-orang yang aku sayangi. it's mystery right?

Ya, seharusnya aku sangat bersyukur dengan semua kenikmatan Allah SWT ini.
Dan apapun yang aku punya hanyalah milik Allah SWT. Remember, Allah SWT did it, i just lucky to have it. And i trust in Allah SWT !!

The amazing thing about putting trust in God is when you’re standing at the cliff and He tells you to jump, it isn’t so you’ll fall. It’s so He can make you fly. - TUMBLR

Hidup itu misteri Allah SWT. Jadilah orang yang selalu penasara untuk membuka semua misteri itu. And You only live once, right? So, do the best and be the best version of you. satu lagi, jangan lupa bersyukur

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015


just so you know... i just want to say goodnight 🌃🌌